Auditing Florence’s Auditorium


Mazes, theaters and the Cascine… At the end of March, the “Professione Architetto” foundation organized a tour of the new Auditorium in Florence. ISI’s architecture students enthusiastically participated in the visit and in the conference that followed, as did Arch. Paolo Desideri, one of the four designers who won the competition for Florence’s new Music Park. The students were able to inspect the recently-built outdoor theater and to roam through the stone labyrinth, which rests on the rooftop of a second theater. Behind the great tower, which hosts the backdrops and machinery for the Opera House, students could start, finally, to get a feel for the piazza: a new landmark for those approaching the Cascine park from the center of Florence. Present were professors Achilli, Pisani, Catitti, and Sinicropi from ISI Florence.