A Chance to Cut is a Chance to Cure

In March 2014 ISI professor Franco Pisani was invited to the Frascari Symposium Confabulations, taking place at the Alexandria Center of the College of Architecture and Urban Studies of Virginia Tech.
Flanking the edges of reality and fiction, Pisani’s lecture Il Mantecato: An architectural course at Frascaridonosor’s Tavern of Crossed Destinies invited to think about architectural composition through a narrative plot of recipes and tarots.

In the week-long tour in the US, Franco also lectured in Boston (MA) and in Scranton (PA). His Boston talk, A Chance to Cut is a Chance to Cure, was part of the lecture series Surgery, organized by the School of Architecture of Wentworth, Institute of Technology. While in Scranton Franco visited the Marywood University campus, where he lectured on the importance of experience and travel in the curriculum of an architecture student.