A Transatlantic Collaboration for Architecture Students

For ten days in late March, students of the Roger Williams University architecture program studying at ISI Florence were involved in a design workshop with their Italian peers from the Università di Firenze. Organized by professors Carlo Achilli of ISI and Paolo Di Nardo of UniFi, each American student from RWU was paired with two or three of their Italian counterparts and tasked with designing a new residence building at the site of the ex-Aula Bunker in Florence’s Le Murate district.

The workshop convened at classrooms in UniFi’s Santa Verdiana and Santa Teresa buildings, as well as ISI’s Architecture Department in Palazzo Bargagli.  There, students were guided in design by ISI professor assistants Stefano Corazzini and Daniela Sinicropi, and UniFi professors Luca Sgrilli and Sofia Paoli, along with Carlo and Paolo.  Each group began by conceiving a team name and logo, and then creating a concept for their redesign of Aula Bunker.  For some groups, the language barrier was a challenge. Fortunately, however, many of the Italian students were proficient in English, and the American students understood some basic Italian.  When all else failed, drawing became the universal language that brought the teams together!

The final results were the products of different approaches to design, which in some cases differed greatly. Yet, it was an extremely rewarding experience for all to see a new way of looking at architecture that they may not have thought of before.  The competition ended, winners were selected, and everyone celebrated with a social of sorts. Many RWU students have kept in touch with their Italian colleagues. For  both groups, the chance to design and work with peers from another country was a rewarding experience that led to valuable personal and professional growth.