VART 261 – Introduction to Photography: Portfolio of Florence

  • Discipline(s): Fine Arts

  • Credits: 3

  • Available: fall semester 2023, spring semester 2024

  • Instructor: Gloria Marco Munuera, Ph.D.

This course offers students a foundation in one of the most diffused media of the contemporary world: photography.
Students get immersed in the world of imagery by walking tours in the Florentine landscape including urban sites and historical monuments. Florence is an ideal city for photographic imagery. Apart from hosting some of the most precious artworks in the world, it is blessed with a variety of buildings and the unforgettable Tuscan landscape. Relying on these unique features, students focus on beginning digital photographic techniques, which include professional portfolio presentations and stimulate creative thinking.

Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will know how to:
– Use a DSLR camera in Manual mode.
– Edit an image through Adobe Photoshop software.
– Develop and understand the language of photography.
– Produce a professional portfolio and develop a critical eye.
– Describe basics of the history of photography from its beginnings to the present.
– Develop artwork and styles of a selection of masters of photography.

Required Materials
Students must be equipped with:
− SLR Reflex Digital camera with ‘Manual’ function and with at least one lens (manual of instructions for camera, if possible). The amount of Megapixels is not important.
− The camera’s USB cable.
− A memory card (at least 2 G card is suggested).
− A card reader compatible with your camera.
− A battery charger and an extra battery for your camera.
− A laptop computer with Adobe Photoshop.
− An external hard disk or USB of good capacity (at least 2 G card is suggested).
− Matting cardboard for final portfolio (this would be announced).

Course descriptions may be subject to occasional minor modifications at the discretion of the instructor.

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