VART 383 – The Art of Buon Fresco

  • Discipline(s): Fine Arts

  • Credits: 3

  • Instructor: Tiziano Lucchesi, M.F.A.

In this course students will be able to see and study the main ancient techniques of fresco wall painting, from prehistoric times to the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, paying attention to Asiatic and Mesoamerican methods too as well as familiarizing themselves with the famous art handbooks passed down to us by ancient masters (Pliny, Vitruvius, Cennino Cennini, and Vasari, etc.).Students will then will begin to study and practice the various steps to make their own complete fresco. The course will culminate in the creation of a large fresco that will be carried out by the entire class, as in a real fifteenth-century “bottega fiorentina” (“Florentine workshop”).

At the end of this course students she be able to:

– Understand the history, materials and techniques used in buon fresco;
– Successfully create their own fresco mural paintings.

Course descriptions may be subject to occasional minor modifications at the discretion of the instructor.

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