Giacomo Cipparrone

American mother and Italian father, I consider myself more than an “ItaloAmericano”, I consider myself a citizen of the world. Everything that falls within the international sphere attracts my attention. This is the reason why I chose International Studies as my field of study at University, why I support Inter (short for Internazionale) when it comes to soccer, and finally, but only in terms of timing, that’s why I decided to apply and work for ISI Florence. Freedom of thought and expression, linked to respect for other cultures and people, are the foundations of my values, which over the years I have solidified by traveling the world and working on different continents.

My background in the wine and culinary business allowed me to discover and test out a lot of restaurants in Florence, so if you’re ever in need of suggestions for different occasions, I’d be happy to help.

Curiosity is the essential element of my existence: “a day without having learned something new is a wasted day”. (I think this sentence has already been said or written by someone much more important and wiser than me, but nonetheless, that’s exactly what I think.) I love the United States, or rather, I’m truly fascinated by such a controversial Country, where habits and behaviors change radically from one State to another. The U.S. is my “life thesis”, my endlessly evolving object of study. More simply, together with Florence and Italy, the United States represents home to me.