Bloody Florence in print

Once again Firenze University Press has chosen our Institute for  its book launch. On January 30, ISI Florence hosted the presentation of Leandro Perini’s new edition (facing Italian translation by Sara Donegà) of Angelo Poliziano’s account of the Pazzi conspiracy. In his Coniurationis commentarium, the famous Florentine humanist related the dramatic events that led to the death of Giuliano de’ Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificent’s younger brother, at the hand of the Pazzi conspirators in the Florence cathedral on April 26, 1478. ISI Academic Director and Dean of Students, Stefano U. Baldassarri, introduced the book with artwork depicting some of the main characters involved in this tragic feat. He was then followed by Professors Renzo Sabbatini (History, Università di Siena) and Donatella Coppini (Italian Literature, Università di Firenze) who illustrated and commented on this useful new edition of Poliziano’s text.

To purchase the book, please use the following website: