CLAS 350 – Archaeology Field Workshop

  • Discipline(s): Archaeology

  • Credits: 3

  • Available: summer session one 2023

  • Instructor: Pedar Foss, Ph.D., TBA

  • Course Type: Field Experience

This course is part of the Trasimeno Archaeology Field School Program.
Formerly called CLAS 430: Archaeological Field Workshop

Description This course will provide on-site learning to design an archaeological survey and how to use sophisticated GPS (Global Positioning System) equipment in conjunction with computerized mapping techniques (GIS) to document the location of archaeological finds. Based on these results, fieldwork may include stratigraphic excavation. Students will also learn how to process, analyze, and interpret materials collected from the survey (or possible excavation).

Daily activities for the archaeological practicum include lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice from pre-fieldwork preparation to post-fieldwork processing of data, including work with ceramics and other small finds. Field trips led by the faculty will take students to other archaeological sites and museums, providing historical and geographical context to the field training.

Objectives In this course students will learn about:

  • Archaeological field methods;
  • Problems faced by the preservation of the archaeological record;
  • How to “read” material remains of the ancient Roman world.

Course Material
Mandatory course reader. Tools for fieldwork will be available on site.

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