Criminal Justice Courses (iStudy)

  • Discipline(s): Criminal Justice, Legal Studies

  • Credits: 3

  • Instructor: iStudy Professor University of Mississippi

  • Course Type: iStudy Courses

Welcome to iStudy
iStudy courses are flexible one-on-one INDEPENDENT STUDY courses available online at ISI Florence. iStudy courses follow the ISI academic calendar which means they start and finish with your other ISI courses in Florence. ISI limits students to one iStudy course per semester.

Semester offerings in Criminal Justice
Click to view course description and syllabus.

CJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice

CJ 120 Intro to Corrections view

CJ 320 Correctional Treatment Strategies

CJ 422 Probation, Parole and Community Correction

CJ 120: Introduction to Corrections

CJ 444 Law of Corrections

CJ 300 Ethics in Legal Studies
(Criminal Justice Majors and Legal Studies Minors Only)

CJ 310 Law Enforcement Process and Policy
(Criminal Justice Majors and Legal Studies Minors Only)

CJ 450 Criminal Justice Research
(Instructor Approval Required, Criminal Justice Majors Only)

CJ 499 Colloquium in Criminal Justice
(Junior Standing Required, Criminal Justice Majors and Legal Studies Minors Only)

Guidelines for Participation
Enrolling in Online courses is easy. Simply indicate the course you need in the course selection form when submitting your application for admission. Once we have confirmed your admission and enrollment you’re all set! We will be in touch to provide the course guide and plan the schedule.

Please note that:
• Only one online course may be taken per semester

• Courses begin and end with the traditional ISI courses but you will be put in contact with your professor prior to arrival in Italy.

• It is your sole responsibility to get approval from your home university for the iStudy course if you wish to receive transfer credit. Syllabi and Instructors credentials are available.

• iStudy course carry an additional fee of $750.00 for one-on-one learning, instructional support and oversight.

• In addition to your course obligations, students must check-in with the ISI Online Program Coordinator as required throughout the semester.

Contact us ([email protected]) and we will be pleased to provide additional information.

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Your journey begins here! Studying abroad has proven to be one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences of higher education.

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