PHYS 274 – Mathematical Methods for Physics I

  • Discipline(s): Physics, STEM

  • Credits: 3

  • Available: fall semester 2023

  • Instructor: Simone Lolli, Ph.D.

Complex Variables
Curvilinear Coordinates and Vector Analysis: Curvilinear orthogonal coordinates; cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems; gradients, divergences and curls in curvilinear coordinates and their geometrical interpretation, with examples from physical systems; Gauss’ and Stokes’ theorems.
Linear Algebra: Linear vector spaces; linear operators and their representation as matrices; matrix algebra; determinants and their application to the solution of linear inhomogeneous equations; inner products; eigenvalues and eigenfunctions with examples of applications to physical problems; infinite dimensional vector spaces.
Dirac Delta Functions: Properties of the delta function; delta function of a function; delta functions in more than one dimension.

The aim of the course is to provide the students with some of the main mathematical tools (scalars, vectors, matrices, complex numbers, differential analysis, special functions/distributions) that are commonly used and thus required in all the fields of Physical sciences.

During orientation at the Institute, students will receive a list of textbooks they are required to purchase. Students should not purchase any texts before orientation.

Course descriptions may be subject to occasional minor modifications at the discretion of the instructor.

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