SART 3305 Printmaking and the Book

  • Discipline(s): Fine Arts

  • Credits: 3

  • Available: fall semester 2023, spring semester 2024

  • Instructor: Patricia Silva

  • Course Type: Fine Arts

Course Description
This intensive hands-on course will introduce students to the art of printmaking in relation to the creation of bookworks. Students will learn both printmaking and hand-bookmaking techniques which will culminate in the creation of original finished bookworks. Printmaking techniques we will include (though may not be limited to) linoleum relief, monotype and letterpress printing. Book structures we will explore both traditional sewn structures and innovative folded formats. Students will incorporate these techniques to create both individual and collaborative artist’s books. Time permitting, the class will visit collections or workshops in Florence which preserve the Italian tradition of bookmaking.

Studio courses will have personal and course materials to be purchased in Florence. A complete list will be provided with the syllabus on the first day of class.

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