SOC 350 – Sociology of the Arts

  • Discipline(s): Sociology

  • Credits: 3

  • Available: spring semester 2024

  • Instructor: Pierluca Birindelli, Ph.D.

Formerly called SOC 299 – Sociology of the Arts

The aim of the course is to introduce the relationship between arts, cultures and societies. The leading topics of discussion will be: the meaning of art from a sociological viewpoint; the possibility to define art; the tension between universally recognizable qualities of art and its institutionalization; the foundation, production and consumption of art; the relationship between art forms and social structures; the relation of art to myth, religion and ideology; the differentiation/homogenization of artistic tastes. The course will also point out some emerging features of the globalization of art and, through the phenomenon of élite/mass tourism, its relationship with economy, politics and aesthetics. Part of the course is dedicated to the theme of genius, creativity and socio-cultural milieu.

Objectives and Outcomes
On completion of the course, students should be able to:

– Actively discuss the topics brought to his/her attention.
– Understand the main theoretical perspectives and empirical findings discussed in class.
– Analyse how the experience of art has affected his/her self-identity both at home and abroad.
– Critically apply concepts and methods learned during the course.

Course descriptions may be subject to occasional minor modifications at the discretion of the instructor.

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