ISI Conference Proceedings

In keeping with its tradition, ISI Florence has just published a volume of proceedings within a year of the related conference. Entitled Renaissance Then and Now: Danza, Musica e Teatro per un Nuovo Rinascimento and edited by ISI Florence Director Stefano U. Baldassarri, the volume collects essays by nine of the scholars who lectured at the international symposium that Palazzo Rucellai hosted in May 2013. Among the topics discussed in these articles (six of which are in English, the others in Italian) are the unique attention that Giorgio Vasari gives to painters who played the lute in his Lives, the changing attitude to dance in the Middle Ages and Renaissance through the figure of Salome, Florentine humanist Leonardo Bruni’s attitude to music, a professional dancer’s reflections on the value of live performance, the critical reception of Franco Zeffirelli’s Met productions, and an assessment of Vittorio Gassman’s and Carmelo Bene’s views of their own acting careers. To purchase the book email  [email protected]