Florence Franks

Florence was born and grew up in Florence, from an Italo-Nigerian family.

She studied law with a focus on European affairs, youth mobility, Euro-project management, and European funds.

After an experience of voluntary service in France, she moved to Paris where she started working in youth organizations, and she then obtained a diploma in vocational education and training from the French Ministry of Youth.

After ten years of a professional career in the field of pedagogy and projects with and for young people, she decided to move back to Firenze.

“It feels good to be lost in the right direction”.

Passionate about travel, photography, textiles, and craftsmanship, she had a career break in 2017, during which she experienced solo travel mainly in South America and Southeast Asia.

“Be always respectful of local customs and beliefs, respect natural resources, do not leave your trash, because our Planet is one, learn some words from the local language, and be ready to change your plans if the place feels like home”.

She loves low-waste living hacks, slow and ethical fashion, capturing the beauty of the world with her camera, and Mediterranean aesthetics.

You will probably find her strolling around Oltrarno and San Ambrogio districts, her favorites ever! If you have questions about the hippest areas, just ask her!

“Here in Florence, put down your map and just wander”.